Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lack of Posts

Sorry about the lack of posts, exam week is starting and it is very busy, but there will be lots of new posts soon

Friday, May 22, 2009

80's Music Portmanbros

Todays theme is 80's. This was written entirely by me, Alex Sugg, and not by Justin Morris.

Brilly Broel

Broce Bringsteen (the bross)

Elton Brohn


The Brolice

Hall and Brotes


David Browie

Brod Stewart

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Disease Puns

The theme today is illnesses

bi-bro-lar disorder

au-bro-immune disease

bro-lon cancer

common bro-ld


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pirate Portmanbros

The theme is pirates ARRGGGG!

Abroy there matey's


Davy Brones Locker


NBA portmanbros

In honor of yesterdays NBA lottery, todays theme is NBA players.

Brobe Bryant

Shaquille Broneil

Bro Johnson

Amar Broudemire

Lebro'n James

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Greek Gods

Todays theme is Greek Gods. Get pumped.



Brontes (didn't even have to change that one)



Thursday, May 14, 2009

Star Wars Portmanbros

Have you ever been in the situation where you gain the rank of being someones bro, but you can't think of a witty way to return the favor? Thats what Portmanbro is here for. A witty use of the word bro for every situation.

Every day there will be five new portmanbro. Todays theme is Star Wars.

1. Brova the Hutt

2. Hans Brolo

3. Broba Fet (not to be confused with Tina Bro-Fay)

4. R2 Bro2

5. Broda